Ramat Hasharon, Israel: March 2025 R&B, developer of the computer-aided mold design (CAMD) technology used by more than 1,500 customers around the world, announces the release of ElectrodeWorks 2022 SP1.2 for SOLIDWORKS 2020 through toSOLIDWORKS2025.
ElectrodeWorks 2023 has made modifications to allow creation of ejectors from any solid part. We have added directional movement of any electrodes through modification of our Electrode Data menu.
Animation now includes copied positions of electrodes as well as a collision detection function including volume of collision.
Other improvements include encapsulation of external used ini files into SOLIDWORKS, ensuring smooth integration of PLM systems and general debuging for specific problems.
ElectrodeWorks 2023 SP0 is available as a download to all current R&B subscription service customers.
About R&B
R&B, Ltd. develops and markets powerful, easy-to-use; 3D mold design tools for the plastic mold and die industry. The company was created in 1994 as a separate organization through the combination of investments from Regba Kal, Israel’s largest mold maker, and Bercom, a leading supplier of computer-aided engineering solutions for mechanical design and finite element analysis. Today, R&B develops the following products: MoldWorks®, SplitWorks®, and ElectrodeWorks™ for SOLIDWORKS and MoldBase™ for CoCreate(PTC) all running within native CAD products, and over 1500 customers. R&B’s CAMD solutions provide engineers with intuitive intelligence, powerful functionality, unprecedented ease of use, and a huge library of commercial components from numerous manufacturers. R&B distributes its products through a network of distributors and resellers worldwide. For more information about R&B solutions, please visit www.RnBUSA.com
MoldWorks, SplitWorks, and ElectrodeWorks are registered trademarks of R&B Ltd, SOLIDWORKS is a registered trademark of SOLIDWORKS Corporation. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their respective owners.